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Step 3: Set up a baker account on Weeklynet

Our baker needs a user account consisting of a pair of keys and an address. In this section, you use the Octez client to create an account and register it as a delegate.

  1. Open a new terminal window in the same environment. If you are using a Docker container, you can enter the container with the docker exec command, as in docker exec -it my-image /bin/sh. To get the name of the Docker container, you run the docker ps command.

  2. Optional: Hide the Octez client's network warning message by running this command:


    This command suppresses the message that your instance of the Octez client is not using Mainnet.

  3. Create or import an account in the Octez client. The simplest way to get an account that works with Weeklynet is to use the Octez client to randomly generate an account. This command creates an account and associates it with the my_baker alias:

    octez-client gen keys my_baker

    The address of the generated account can be obtained with the following command:

    octez-client show address my_baker
  4. Record this address in a shell variable so you can use it for commands that cannot get addresses by their Octez client aliases:

    MY_BAKER="$(octez-client show address my_baker | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2)"

    At this point, the balance of the my_baker account is still zero, as you can see by running this command:

    octez-client get balance for my_baker

    If you get an error on this command, your local node isn't ready yet. Until the node has finished bootstrapping, pass the public RPC endpoint for Weeklynet in the --endpoint argument, as in this example:

    octez-client --endpoint get balance for my_baker

    Don't set the client endpoint to the public node permanently because it should use your local node whenever possible. For bakers, it's important to set the Octez client to use their node rather than a public node because the baker daemon uses the client configuration and the baker daemon should use the local node.

  5. Get some tez from the Weeklynet faucet.

    In order to get some consensus and DAL rights, we need to put some tez in the account. Fortunately, getting free testnet tez is easy thanks to the testnet faucet. To use it, we need to enter the generated address in the Weeklynet faucet linked from We need at least 6k tez for running a baker but the more tez we have the more rights we will get and the shorter we will have to wait to produce blocks and attestations. That being said, baking with too much stake prevents us from leaving the network without disturbing or even halting it so to avoid breaking the network for all other testers let's not be too greedy. 50k tez is enough to get enough rights to easily check if our baker behaves as expected while not disturbing the network too much when our baker stops operating.

  6. Verify that the faucet sent the tez to the account with the same get balance command:

    octez-client get balance for my_baker

    At this point, the my_baker account owns enough stake to bake but has still no consensus or DAL rights because we haven't declared our intention to become a baker to the Tezos protocol.

  7. Register your account as a delegate by running the following command:

    octez-client register key my_baker as delegate

    Again, pass the --endpoint argument if your node has not finished bootstrapping.

  8. Stake the tez, saving a small amount for transaction fees. For example, if your account has 50k tez, stake 49990 tez by running this command:

    octez-client stake 49990 for my_baker

    Seven cycles later (about 1h40 on Weeklynet), our baker will start receiving rights. To see for instance its consensus attestation rights in the current cycle, we can use the following RPC call:

    octez-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/helpers/attestation_rights\?delegate="$MY_BAKER"

    When your baker has attestation rights, the previous command returns information about them, as in this example:

    [ { "level": 9484,
    [ { "delegate": "tz1Zs6zjxtLxmff51tK2AVgvm4PNmdNhLcHE",
    "first_slot": 280, "attestation_power": 58,
    "consensus_key": "tz1Zs6zjxtLxmff51tK2AVgvm4PNmdNhLcHE" } ] } ]

    To see the DAL attestation rights of all bakers, we can use the following RPC call:

    octez-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/context/dal/shards

    This command returns an array of DAL attestation rights. The 2048 shards which are expected to be attested at this level are shared between active bakers proportionally to their stake. Each baker is assigned a slice of shard indices represented in the output of this command by a pair consisting of the first index and the length of the slice. So to check if some rights were assigned to us we can filter the array to our baker by running this command:

    octez-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/context/dal/shards | grep "$MY_BAKER"

When attestation rights are assigned to your baker, continue to Step 4: Run an Octez DAL node on Weeklynet.